
Prinicipal candidates for Prime Minister in Barbados: 


Next General Election due 2004

Head of Government of Barbados:

Queen: Elizabeth II (1966), represented by Governor-General Clifford Husband (1996)
Prime minister: Owen Seymour Arthur (1994/1999) BLP
The government is formed by the BLP.

The Parliament of Barbados has two chambers. The House of Assembly has 28 members, elected for a five year term in single-seat constituencies. The Senate has 21 members appointed for a five year term.

House of Assembly: 20 january 1999 (63.1 %) % 28

Barbados Labour Party (social-democratic) BLP 65.4 26
Democratic Labour Party (centrist) DLP 34.6 2
Source: Reuters

Political Parties :

Democratic Labour Party (DLP)
   Founded: 1955
   Address: George Street Belleville, St. Michael Barbados
   Tel:  (1 246) 429-3104
   Fax: (1 246) 429-3007

Barbados Labour Party (BLP)
   Founded: 1938
   Address: Grantley Adams House, 111 Roebuck Street, Bridgetown, Barbados
   Tel: (1 246) 429-1990 or (1 246) 437-8980


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